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APA : Usmani, S. H. A., & Afsar, A. (2021). Transitivity Analysis of Pakistan's Code of Civil Procedure 1908: A Corpus-Based Study. Global Language Review, VI(II), 63-77.
CHICAGO : Usmani, Saadat Hasan Akhtar, and Ayaz Afsar. 2021. "Transitivity Analysis of Pakistan's Code of Civil Procedure 1908: A Corpus-Based Study." Global Language Review, VI (II): 63-77 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).08
HARVARD : USMANI, S. H. A. & AFSAR, A. 2021. Transitivity Analysis of Pakistan's Code of Civil Procedure 1908: A Corpus-Based Study. Global Language Review, VI, 63-77.
MHRA : Usmani, Saadat Hasan Akhtar, and Ayaz Afsar. 2021. "Transitivity Analysis of Pakistan's Code of Civil Procedure 1908: A Corpus-Based Study." Global Language Review, VI: 63-77
MLA : Usmani, Saadat Hasan Akhtar, and Ayaz Afsar. "Transitivity Analysis of Pakistan's Code of Civil Procedure 1908: A Corpus-Based Study." Global Language Review, VI.II (2021): 63-77 Print.
OXFORD : Usmani, Saadat Hasan Akhtar and Afsar, Ayaz (2021), "Transitivity Analysis of Pakistan's Code of Civil Procedure 1908: A Corpus-Based Study", Global Language Review, VI (II), 63-77
TURABIAN : Usmani, Saadat Hasan Akhtar, and Ayaz Afsar. "Transitivity Analysis of Pakistan's Code of Civil Procedure 1908: A Corpus-Based Study." Global Language Review VI, no. II (2021): 63-77.