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APA : Khan, S. H., Ishaq, Q., & Shah, S. H. (2021). Perceptions and Practices of Written Feedback in English Classes at Intermediate level in Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Global Language Review, VI(II), 201 - 213.
CHICAGO : Khan, Shoukat Hayat, Qudsia Ishaq, and Sabir Hussain Shah. 2021. "Perceptions and Practices of Written Feedback in English Classes at Intermediate level in Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir." Global Language Review, VI (II): 201 - 213 doi: 10.31703/glr.2021(VI-II).22
HARVARD : KHAN, S. H., ISHAQ, Q. & SHAH, S. H. 2021. Perceptions and Practices of Written Feedback in English Classes at Intermediate level in Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Global Language Review, VI, 201 - 213.
MHRA : Khan, Shoukat Hayat, Qudsia Ishaq, and Sabir Hussain Shah. 2021. "Perceptions and Practices of Written Feedback in English Classes at Intermediate level in Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir." Global Language Review, VI: 201 - 213
MLA : Khan, Shoukat Hayat, Qudsia Ishaq, and Sabir Hussain Shah. "Perceptions and Practices of Written Feedback in English Classes at Intermediate level in Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir." Global Language Review, VI.II (2021): 201 - 213 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Shoukat Hayat, Ishaq, Qudsia, and Shah, Sabir Hussain (2021), "Perceptions and Practices of Written Feedback in English Classes at Intermediate level in Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir", Global Language Review, VI (II), 201 - 213
TURABIAN : Khan, Shoukat Hayat, Qudsia Ishaq, and Sabir Hussain Shah. "Perceptions and Practices of Written Feedback in English Classes at Intermediate level in Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir." Global Language Review VI, no. II (2021): 201 - 213.