PHONOLOGICAL REDUCTION IN PASHTO      10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).01      Published : Sep 2020
Authored by : ArshadAliKhan , GhaniRahman , SyedShujaatAli

01 Pages : 1-10


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    CHICAGO : Khan, Arshad Ali, Ghani Rahman, and Syed Shujaat Ali. 2020. "Phonological Reduction in Pashto." Global Language Review, V (III): 1-10 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).01
    HARVARD : KHAN, A. A., RAHMAN, G. & ALI, S. S. 2020. Phonological Reduction in Pashto. Global Language Review, V, 1-10.
    MHRA : Khan, Arshad Ali, Ghani Rahman, and Syed Shujaat Ali. 2020. "Phonological Reduction in Pashto." Global Language Review, V: 1-10
    MLA : Khan, Arshad Ali, Ghani Rahman, and Syed Shujaat Ali. "Phonological Reduction in Pashto." Global Language Review, V.III (2020): 1-10 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Arshad Ali, Rahman, Ghani, and Ali, Syed Shujaat (2020), "Phonological Reduction in Pashto", Global Language Review, V (III), 1-10