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APA : Tayyab, J., Imran, Z., & Arif, M. (2023). Review Of Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills Among Foreign English Learners. Global Language Review, VIII(II), 487-498.
CHICAGO : Tayyab, Javeria, Zunaira Imran, and Muhammad Arif. 2023. "Review Of Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills Among Foreign English Learners." Global Language Review, VIII (II): 487-498 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-II).40
HARVARD : TAYYAB, J., IMRAN, Z. & ARIF, M. 2023. Review Of Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills Among Foreign English Learners. Global Language Review, VIII, 487-498.
MHRA : Tayyab, Javeria, Zunaira Imran, and Muhammad Arif. 2023. "Review Of Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills Among Foreign English Learners." Global Language Review, VIII: 487-498
MLA : Tayyab, Javeria, Zunaira Imran, and Muhammad Arif. "Review Of Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills Among Foreign English Learners." Global Language Review, VIII.II (2023): 487-498 Print.
OXFORD : Tayyab, Javeria, Imran, Zunaira, and Arif, Muhammad (2023), "Review Of Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills Among Foreign English Learners", Global Language Review, VIII (II), 487-498
TURABIAN : Tayyab, Javeria, Zunaira Imran, and Muhammad Arif. "Review Of Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills Among Foreign English Learners." Global Language Review VIII, no. II (2023): 487-498.