Authored by : Tania Laghari , Tahreem Akhter , Inayatullah Kakepoto

35 Pages : 429-441


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    APA : Laghari, T., Akhter, T., & Kakepoto, I. (2022). Softening the Propositional Claims: Investigation of Appropriate Use of Hedging Strategies in Academic Writing. Global Language Review, VII(II), 429-441.
    CHICAGO : Laghari, Tania, Tahreem Akhter, and Inayatullah Kakepoto. 2022. "Softening the Propositional Claims: Investigation of Appropriate Use of Hedging Strategies in Academic Writing." Global Language Review, VII (II): 429-441 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).35
    HARVARD : LAGHARI, T., AKHTER, T. & KAKEPOTO, I. 2022. Softening the Propositional Claims: Investigation of Appropriate Use of Hedging Strategies in Academic Writing. Global Language Review, VII, 429-441.
    MHRA : Laghari, Tania, Tahreem Akhter, and Inayatullah Kakepoto. 2022. "Softening the Propositional Claims: Investigation of Appropriate Use of Hedging Strategies in Academic Writing." Global Language Review, VII: 429-441
    MLA : Laghari, Tania, Tahreem Akhter, and Inayatullah Kakepoto. "Softening the Propositional Claims: Investigation of Appropriate Use of Hedging Strategies in Academic Writing." Global Language Review, VII.II (2022): 429-441 Print.
    OXFORD : Laghari, Tania, Akhter, Tahreem, and Kakepoto, Inayatullah (2022), "Softening the Propositional Claims: Investigation of Appropriate Use of Hedging Strategies in Academic Writing", Global Language Review, VII (II), 429-441
    TURABIAN : Laghari, Tania, Tahreem Akhter, and Inayatullah Kakepoto. "Softening the Propositional Claims: Investigation of Appropriate Use of Hedging Strategies in Academic Writing." Global Language Review VII, no. II (2022): 429-441.