Authored by : Shahida Naz , ZahoorHussain , MalikAdnan

08 Pages : 68-76


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    APA : Naz, S., Hussain, Z., & Adnan, M. (2020). Communication Barriers in English Language Classroom: A Study of Teachers' Perceptions in Pakistan. Global Language Review, V(III), 68-76.
    CHICAGO : Naz, Shahida, Zahoor Hussain, and Malik Adnan. 2020. "Communication Barriers in English Language Classroom: A Study of Teachers' Perceptions in Pakistan." Global Language Review, V (III): 68-76 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).08
    HARVARD : NAZ, S., HUSSAIN, Z. & ADNAN, M. 2020. Communication Barriers in English Language Classroom: A Study of Teachers' Perceptions in Pakistan. Global Language Review, V, 68-76.
    MHRA : Naz, Shahida, Zahoor Hussain, and Malik Adnan. 2020. "Communication Barriers in English Language Classroom: A Study of Teachers' Perceptions in Pakistan." Global Language Review, V: 68-76
    MLA : Naz, Shahida, Zahoor Hussain, and Malik Adnan. "Communication Barriers in English Language Classroom: A Study of Teachers' Perceptions in Pakistan." Global Language Review, V.III (2020): 68-76 Print.
    OXFORD : Naz, Shahida, Hussain, Zahoor, and Adnan, Malik (2020), "Communication Barriers in English Language Classroom: A Study of Teachers' Perceptions in Pakistan", Global Language Review, V (III), 68-76
    TURABIAN : Naz, Shahida, Zahoor Hussain, and Malik Adnan. "Communication Barriers in English Language Classroom: A Study of Teachers' Perceptions in Pakistan." Global Language Review V, no. III (2020): 68-76.