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APA : Altaf, F., & Saeed, M. (2020). A Comparative Study of Teachers' and Head Teachers' Perceptions about National Professional Standard for Teachers at Secondary School Level. Global Language Review, V(II), 62-71.
CHICAGO : Altaf, Fasiha, and Muhammad Saeed. 2020. "A Comparative Study of Teachers' and Head Teachers' Perceptions about National Professional Standard for Teachers at Secondary School Level." Global Language Review, V (II): 62-71 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-II).07
HARVARD : ALTAF, F. & SAEED, M. 2020. A Comparative Study of Teachers' and Head Teachers' Perceptions about National Professional Standard for Teachers at Secondary School Level. Global Language Review, V, 62-71.
MHRA : Altaf, Fasiha, and Muhammad Saeed. 2020. "A Comparative Study of Teachers' and Head Teachers' Perceptions about National Professional Standard for Teachers at Secondary School Level." Global Language Review, V: 62-71
MLA : Altaf, Fasiha, and Muhammad Saeed. "A Comparative Study of Teachers' and Head Teachers' Perceptions about National Professional Standard for Teachers at Secondary School Level." Global Language Review, V.II (2020): 62-71 Print.
OXFORD : Altaf, Fasiha and Saeed, Muhammad (2020), "A Comparative Study of Teachers' and Head Teachers' Perceptions about National Professional Standard for Teachers at Secondary School Level", Global Language Review, V (II), 62-71
TURABIAN : Altaf, Fasiha, and Muhammad Saeed. "A Comparative Study of Teachers' and Head Teachers' Perceptions about National Professional Standard for Teachers at Secondary School Level." Global Language Review V, no. II (2020): 62-71.